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Please do not forget to select the range time you want! The captain services or snorkeling packages are not included in the price; they are paid separately and cannot be paid for on the website. They will be paid for on-site.

Range time:

Book days: ... (... dies)



Aditional Services

Captain service (requiered):
 Yes No

This service has an additional cost of €100 for a half day or €180 for a full day. This payment will be made on-site and is not included in the price you will pay now.

Snorkel package (requiered):
 Yes No

Pax (requiered):

This service has an additional cost of €15 for a half day and person or €20 for a full day and person. This payment will be made on-site and is not included in the price you will pay now.


Payment information

Fisrt Name (requiered):

Last Name (requiered):

Adress (requiered):

Phone (requiered):

Email (requiered):

Passaport/NIF (requiered):

It’s a rigid inflatable boat (RIB). This type of boat is based on an exceptional ratio between weight vs. submerged surface, ensuring maximum buoyancy and safety. Is the most suitable boat for coastal cruises with friends and family in total safety.

With it, you can access the most charming and idyllic Cadaqués creeks, and enter the spectacular Cap de Creus coves, on the most beautiful natural park in Costa Brava.

Characteristics of the boat:

Type: Motor boat

Length: 6,5m

Motor power: 140cv

Capacity: 8 pers

Boat equipment:

Bathroom scale

Anchoring material

Awning for the sun

Security equipment